
Creatures, Items, & Spells - Rarity R

This list draws its information directly from the English release of Culdcept Revolt. Some info has been updated to add clarity and/or to correct errors. If you spot an error we've missed, please let us know!

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Jump to: Neutral ~ Fire ~ Water ~ Earth ~ Air ~ Items ~ Spells

Neutral Neutral Creatures

Archchemic Rare Neutral
ST:20 HP:30 MHP:30 G:40
Neutralizes: Scroll Attacks / Reduces cost of Terrain Change for the territory this creature is on to 50G.

A master alchemist. Using his many potions, he is able to transmute the very land beneath his feet with ease.


Neutralizes = Does not receive damage from opponent during battle.


Makes Terrain Change cheaper. However, it has low HP, so it can't defend well. You may want to Exchange it once you've used its effect.

Armored Dragon Rare Neutral
ST:50 HP:60 MHP:60 G:100
Item Limit: Cannot use Armor
Attacks First / Secret Art (80G): HP-30 to target Neutral creature.

A dragon with a metal machine body. Instead of breathing fire, it shoots bullets from its mouth, destroying neutral creatures.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle, even when defending.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.


A dragon with high cost, but undeniable power. Its Secret Art lets it damage neutral element creatures remotely.

Borgess Rare Neutral
ST:30 HP:30 MHP:30 G:40
Boost: HP+20 to Neutral creatures.

A demon scholar whose knowledge of creatures rivals even that of the gods'.


Boost = In battle, raises ST and/or HP of each creature on the map that meets the conditions.


A creature that increases the HP of neutral element creatures during battle. Essential for books containing mostly neutral creatures.

Decoy Rare Neutral
ST:0 HP:10 MHP:10 G:50+Card
Item Limit: Cannot use Weapons Cannot use Armor Cannot use Scrolls
Reflects: Normal Attacks

A cursed doll that tricks enemies into thinking it's weak and then turns their own blades against them.


Reflects = Reflects attack to opponent, does not receive any damage.


Because it reflects all normal attacks, it's nearly invincible. However, it can be easily killed by scrolls or spells.

Ground Gear Rare Neutral
ST:20 HP:40 MHP:40 G:60
Item Limit: Cannot use Scrolls
Support: All / Neutralizes: Scroll Attacks. / Transforms into Androgear if Sky Gear is used as Support.

A walking battle machine that uses the latest technology to dispel scroll-based magic.


Support = Use creatures in your hand as items.
Neutralizes = Takes no damage in battle.
Sky Gear = Neutral / ST:40 / HP:40
Androgear = Neutral / ST:60 / HP:60


A defense-oriented creature with the Support ability. It has a unique combination mechanic that is sure to earn it many fans.

Legendary Pharos Rare Neutral
ST:40 HP:50 MHP:50 G:50+Card
Item Limit: Cannot use Armor
Defensive / Does not receive lap recovery / Secret Art (80G): Summons Statue to all adjacent lands.

A magical lighthouse of legend. Any boulders its light falls upon gain life and become its watchmen.


Defensive = Cannot invade or be moved with Move Creature.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.
Statue = Neutral / ST:0 / HP:50


Can claim nearby empty lands for you with its Secret Art. Best used at the beginning of a match. Its cost may be high, but it's definitely worth it.

Living Bomb Rare Neutral
ST:10 HP:30 MHP:30 G:60
Item Creature / Battle End: Destroys opponent and self if your creature has 20 or less HP left.

A living bomb that detonates itself after receiving a large impact.


Item Creature = Can be used as an item during battle. Ability values & effects are added to the creature it's equipped to.


A creature that can also be used as an item, too. When it's near death, it explodes and takes its opponent down with it.

Living Glove Rare Neutral
ST:0 HP:30 MHP:30 G:70
Item Creature / In Battle: ST&HP=(Number of creatures in play with a different element from this creature x5).

A living glove that generates power in the presence of different elemental energies.


Item Creature = Can be used as an item during battle. Ability values & effects are added to the creature it's equipped to.


If this card is used as a creature or equipped to a neutral creature, it will generate more ST & HP than it would if used by an elemental creature.

Nil-Vana Rare Neutral
ST:40 HP:40 MHP:40 G:70+Card
Support: Neutral / Attacks First / Secret Art (100G): HP-20 to all creatures with an Enchant on them.

An incarnation of nihilism. Its strength in battle is clear and the destructive power of its secret skill is feared by all.


Support = In battle, this creature can use creatures in your hand as items.
Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.


A creature perfect for invasions that has both Support and Attacks First. Its Secret Art can damage all creatures that are enchanted.

Ninja Rare Neutral
ST:40 HP:40 MHP:40 G:70
Attacks First / Scroll Critical Hit

A stranger who lives in the shadows. He has swift movements and is a master of scroll magic.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle, even when defending.
Scroll Critical Hit = Your Scroll Attacks deal 1.5 times more damage.


This creature has Attacks First, Scroll Critical Hit, and good ability values, making it adept at both offense and defense.

Rock Titan Rare Neutral
ST:70 HP:70 MHP:70 G:90
Item Limit: Cannot use Weapons Cannot use Armor Cannot use Tools Cannot use Scrolls
Battle End: ST & MHP-10.

A gigantic rock creature with great power and a sturdy body. However, its body has already begun to erode and crumble.


Changes made to the Base ST and MHP will last until the creature reverts to a card.


Although it slowly becomes weak, its stats are still tremendous. Even if you dispose of it later, it's worth the cost to use.

Shadowgeist Rare Neutral
ST:40 HP:30 MHP:30 G:60
Attacks First / Vigorous / Attack Bonus: Opponent's ST=0.

A shadow demon that strikes suddenly and steals the power of its victims before vanishing into the darkness.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle, even when defending.
Base ST = A creature's listed ST without item cards or abilities. Changes to the Base ST last until the creature reverts to a card.
Vigorous = Is not Fatigued, even after using Secret Arts or Territory Commands.


This creature's abilities let it disable its foe in invasions and defense. It can also constantly use Move Creature to roam the map & invade.

Shapeshifter Rare Neutral
ST:20 HP:20 MHP:20 G:30
Secret Art (70G): Transforms into same creature as target creature.

An amorphous demon that can transform into any creature. However, once it has solidified, it cannot return to its original form.


Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase
After transforming, ST and MHP will become the base ability values of the new creature.


This creature's Secret Art lets it copy any creature that has already been placed on the map. Use it to duplicate powerful or expensive creatures.

Sky Gear Rare Neutral
ST:40 HP:20 MHP:20 G:40
Item Limit: Cannot use Scrolls
Attacks First / Support: All / Transforms into Androgear if Ground Gear is used as Support.

A flying battle machine that silently soars through the sky and launches surprise attacks from above the enemy.


Support = Use creatures in your hand as items.
Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle.
Ground Gear = Neutral / ST:20 / HP:40
Androgear = Neutral / ST:60 / HP:60


An offense-oriented creature with the Support ability. It has a unique combination mechanic that is sure to earn it many fans.

Stone Jizo Rare Neutral
ST:10 HP:30 MHP:30 G:50
Item Limit: Cannot use Weapons Cannot use Armor
Defensive / Anti-Spell / Secret Art (100G): Transforms targeted territory into a Multi-Element land, then is destroyed.

A stone statue with a serene expression. However, it has great power over the land and will sacrifice itself to unleash its power.


Defensive = Cannot invade or be moved with Move Creature.
Anti-Spell = Can't be targeted by single-target spells. Is still affected by multi-target spells.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.


Is able to change any land to a multi-element land with its Secret Art. Best used to break enemy chains, but can only be used once.

Jump to: Neutral ~ Fire ~ Water ~ Earth ~ Air ~ Items ~ Spells

Fire Fire Creatures

Angry Mob Rare Fire
ST:20 HP:30 MHP:30 G:50+Fire
In Battle: Quickly tap the A Button to increase ST. If ST is raised above 100 in this way, it becomes 10.

An angry, disorganized rabble. They become stronger as they whip each other into a frenzy, but if they become too angry, they start to turn on each other.


It's difficult to obtain the highest amount of ST possible with this card's effect, but with a bit of practice, you can use it and save on item use.

Death Leech Rare Fire
ST:20 HP:20 MHP:20 G:20+Fire
Land Limit: Cannot be placed on Air
Item Limit: Cannot use Armor Cannot use Scrolls
Secret Art (80G): Destroy target creature that is Fatigued and not at maximum HP and move to its territory.

A massive, mutant leech. Always hunting for prey, it lurks around swamps. When it smells a creature's blood, it leaps on it and drains it dry in an instant.


Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.


A creature with a Secret Art ability that steals territories from enemies that are injured and Fatigued. It can easily claim even the toughest territories.

Fire Beak Rare Fire
ST:50 HP:40 MHP:40 G:95+Fire
Item Limit: Cannot use Armor Cannot use Scrolls
Attacks First / Critical Hit: WaterAir / Penetrates: WaterAir

A species of flying dragon whose beak is constantly aflame. It hunts down and tears apart creatures of the wind and sea.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle.
Penetrates = Attacks ignore extra HP gained from the land effect.
Critical Hit = Deals 1.5 times more damage to the opponent.


This powerful creature can show its full force against water and air creatures. It has a steep cost, but that cost matches its destructive ability.

Flame Duke Rare Fire
ST:50 HP:50 MHP:50 G:60+FireFire
Attacks First / Critical Hit: When equipped with a weapon. / Battle End: Recycles equipped items to user's book.

A messenger of the Fire God. In the Fire God's absence, he acts as a surrogate and gives power to the spirits of fire.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle.
Critical Hit = Deals 1.5 times more damage to the opponent.
Recycles = After it is used, the card returns to the user's hand or book.


A heavyweight creature with top-tier stats and abilities. It costs a lot to summon, but is a champion among attackers.

Hell Pyron Rare Fire
ST:70 HP:60 MHP:60 G:80+FireFire+Card
Land Limit: Cannot be placed on Air
Item Limit: Cannot use Tools
Boost: ST+10 to Fire & Earth creatures. / Secret Art (30G): User gains (# of creatures destroyed x30)G, then number is reset.

A tremendously powerful devil made of flames. As an overseer of hell, the fate of the souls of the damned are in its hands.


Boost = In battle, raises ST and/or HP of each creature on the map that meets the conditions.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.
"Creatures destroyed" only applies to summoned creatures that were destroyed after this creature was placed.


It boosts the ST of all fire and earth creatures in play (not just yours). Its ability values are high, but so is its cost, so it's difficult to summon.

Knight-errant Rare Fire
ST:40 HP:30 MHP:30 G:60+Card
Synthesis: Earth (Evolves into Armed Paladin). / Reflects: 1/2 of damage received from Normal Attacks.

A knight in training. He's still learning the art of swordplay, but is a natural at parrying. He dreams of one day becoming a Holy Knight.


Synthesis = Activate this effect by discarding a specific kind of card.
Armed Paladin = Fire / ST:0 / HP:50
Reflects = Reflects attack to opponent, does not receive any damage.


While its ability to reflect damage is useful, if you use its Synthesis ability, it will evolve into a very powerful creature.

Mushussu Rare Fire
ST:40 HP:50 MHP:50 G:70+Fire
Item Limit: Cannot use Scrolls
Synergy: Earth (ST+20, HP+10). / Critical Hit: FireEarth

A small species of dragon. They have a snake's head, a lion's body, an eagle's feet, and a scorpion's tail. They are known as guardians of the Earth Temple.


Synergy = ST and/or HP are increased when a creature of a certain element is in play.
Critical Hit = Deals 1.5 times more damage to the opponent.


It has high basic ability values to begin with, but when its Synergy and Critical Hit abilities are triggered, it can become extremely powerful.

Old Willow Rare Fire
ST:20 HP:40 MHP:40 G:70+FireFire
Item Limit: Cannot use Weapons Cannot use Tools Cannot use Scrolls
Defensive / Stops all passing Cepters other than user when placed on a Fire land.

A weathered old willow tree with an evil heart. It reaches out with its branches to capture passersby and stuff their bodies into its trunk.


Defensive = Cannot invade or be moved with Move Creature.


It forces all enemy Cepters to stop on it, so you can get many tolls. However, you need to make sure it survives their invasions.

Pyroculus Rare Fire
ST:10 HP:40 MHP:40 G:30+Card
Land Limit: Cannot be placed on Water
Item Limit: Cannot use Weapons
Synthesis: Instant Spells (Evolves into Hell Pyron). / Neutralizes: Scroll Attacks.

A small flame spirit. Once it has absorbed enough magic, its form changes and it becomes the overseer of hell.


Synthesis = Activate this effect by discarding a specific kind of card.
Hell Pyron = Fire / ST:70 / HP:60
Neutralizes = Does not receive damage from opponent during battle.


This creature can become the very powerful Hell Pyron for a relatively low cost with its Synthesis ability.

Pyromancer Rare Fire
ST:30 HP:50 MHP:50 G:70
In Battle: Performs a Scroll Attack of ST=30 if not given an item. / Battle End: ST=20, MHP=30 if the enemy landed an attack.

A fire-wielding hero. Can summon giant fireballs to burn through anything, but when wounded, his power leaves him and his flames turn dim.


Scroll Attack = Attack with a scroll instead of your creature. Penetrates the land effect.
Changes made to the Base ST and MHP will last until the creature reverts to a card.


A creature that can make a Scroll Attack without a scroll. It's a natural foe of creatures with Neutralizes and Reflects.

Sulfurous Balloon Rare Fire
ST:10 HP:40 MHP:40 G:20+Fire
Item Limit: Cannot use Scrolls
Upon Defeat: HP-40 to opponent.

Spheres filled with poison gas. When ruptured, they explode and spread clouds of poison everywhere.


This HP reduction is unaffected by any increases that occurred during battle.


The damage this creature deals when it's defeated ignores the land effect, so you can use it to wipe out even heavyweight creatures in highly fortified territories.

Tiamat Rare Fire
ST:60 HP:60 MHP:60 G:110+FireFire
Attacks First / Critical Hit: WaterAir / Upon Victory: Changes battle territory to a Fire land.

The dragon god of fire. Its flames breed chaos and destruction all over the world. All lands it invades are burnt to cinders and made part of its fiery kingdom.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle, even when defending.
Critical Hit = Deals 1.5 times more damage to the opponent.


A heavyweight creature with top-tier stats and abilities. Changes all lands in which it wins a battle into fire lands, so it's good for invading anywhere.

Uriel Rare Fire
ST:40 HP:40 MHP:40 G:90
Critical Hit: Creatures under an Enchant effect. / Secret Art (50G): Removes the Global Enchant currently in effect.

The angel of fire. He was sent down to the world to cleanse it of magic. With his flaming sword and wings of fire, he will burn away curses and foul sorceries.


Critical Hit = Deals 1.5 times more damage to the opponent.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.


Between its Critical Hit ability and its Secret Art, this creature is an effective counter to an opponent who uses many enchantments.

Volcanic Dragon Rare Fire
ST:50 HP:50 MHP:50 G:80+FireFire
Land Limit: Cannot be placed on Water
Item Limit: Cannot use Armor
Attacks First / In Battle: Performs a Scroll Attack of its base ST value if not equipped with an item.

A mighty volcanic dragon. It spews intense flames to incinerate its enemies. Its flames burn away any cover its target tries to hide behind.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle, even when defending.
Scroll Attack = Attack with a scroll instead of your creature. Penetrates the land effect.


A dragon with high cost, but undeniable power. If it is not given an item, it will perform a powerful Scroll Attack that ignores the enemy's land effect.

Jump to: Neutral ~ Fire ~ Water ~ Earth ~ Air ~ Items ~ Spells

Water Water Creatures

Aqua Duke Rare Water
ST:50 HP:50 MHP:50 G:60+WaterWater
Neutralizes: Normal Attacks when equipped with armor. / Support: Water / HP and MHP cannot be altered by spells.

A messenger of the Water God. In the Water God's absence, he acts as a surrogate and gives power to the spirits of water.


Support = In battle, this creature can use creatures in your hand as items.
Neutralizes = Does not receive damage from opponent during battle.


A heavyweight creature with top-tier stats and abilities. It costs a lot to summon, but is a champion among defenders.

Bahamut Rare Water
ST:60 HP:60 MHP:60 G:110+WaterWater
Attacks First / Upon Victory: Changes battle territory to a Water land. / Regenerates

The dragon god of water. Although it looks like a giant fish, it has the power of a god. All lands it conquers become part of its vast ocean domain.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle, even when defending.
Regenerates = If not killed, HP returns to full after battle.


A heavyweight creature with top-tier stats and abilities. Changes all lands in which it wins a battle into water lands, so it's good for invading anywhere.

Deep-Sea Dragon Rare Water
ST:50 HP:50 MHP:50 G:80+WaterWater
Land Limit: Cannot be placed on Fire
Item Limit: Cannot use Armor
Attacks First / In Battle: Performs a Scroll Attack of its base ST value if not equipped with an item.

A dragon of the deep sea that holds immense power. The intensely cold air it breathes out will freeze anything it touches.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle, even when defending.
Scroll Attack = Attack with a scroll instead of your creature.
Penetrates the land effect.


A dragon with high cost, but undeniable power. If not equipped with an item, it can use a powerful Scroll Attack that bypasses its opponent's land effect.

Gluey Slug Rare Water
ST:30 HP:40 MHP:40 G:60
Land Limit: Cannot be placed on Fire
Item Limit: Cannot use Scrolls
Cannot be invaded by Move Creature.

A giant slug that sprays large amounts of viscous fluid around itself, causing those who approach to get stuck.


Can block your opponent's Move Invasions. If you think your opponent is going to try a Move Invasion, use Exchange Creature to swap this in.

Hellgrammite Rare Water
ST:30 HP:30 MHP:30 G:60+Water
Item Limit: Cannot use Scrolls
Upon Defeat: Evolves into Serpent Fly.

The larval form of a Serpent Fly. When its life is in danger, it will shed its skin and fly off as a Serpent Fly.


Serpent Fly = Air / ST:40 / HP:30


Even if it's defeated, it stays on its territory as a Serpent Fly. Serpent Fly is an air creature, but still receives the land effect from water lands.

Id Rare Water
ST:40 HP:30 MHP:30 G:50+Water+Card
Synthesis: Creatures (Transforms into discarded creature). / Neutralizes: Scroll Attacks.

A creature that lurks within humanity's collective consciousness. It reads people's minds and changes its form. Few have ever seen its true form.


Synthesis = Activate this effect by discarding a specific kind of card.
Neutralizes = Does not receive damage from opponent during battle.


You can use its Synthesis ability to bring out an extremely powerful creature while ignoring any of its summoning costs.

Makara Rare Water
ST:30 HP:40 MHP:40 G:65
Item Limit: Cannot use Weapons Cannot use Scrolls
Defensive / Vigorous / Secret Art (100G): Transforms occupied territory to a Water land.

A water creature with the head of an elephant. It can shoot an endless amount of water from its trunk to completely flood a land.


Defensive = Cannot invade or be moved with Move Creature.
Vigorous = Is not Fatigued, even after using Secret Arts or Territory Commands.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.


Its Secret Art lets it change the element of its land at a low cost. It also has the Vigorous ability, so you can use its Secret Art as soon as it's placed.

Odontotyrannus Rare Water
ST:50 HP:50 MHP:50 G:70+Water
Item Limit: Cannot use Scrolls
Synergy: Air (ST+20, HP+10)

A horned river monster. When it catches its prey's scent on the wind, it flies into a frenzy that will not subside until it has found and killed its prey.


Synergy = ST and/or HP are increased when a creature of a certain element is in play.


It has high basic stats, and when its Synergy ability increases them even further, it can become a powerful invader.

Rahab Rare Water
ST:60 HP:60 MHP:60 G:80+WaterWater+Card
Land Limit: Cannot be placed on Earth
Item Limit: Cannot use Tools
Neutralizes: Creatures with ST of 50 and up. / Boost: HP+10 to Water & Air creatures.

A demon that dwells in the depths. It possesses great strength, and can defend itself by changing its body into water or ice.


Neutralizes = Does not receive damage from opponent during battle.
Boost = In battle, raises ST and/or HP of each creature on the map that meets the conditions.


Its Boost ability increases the HP of all water and air creatures. It's useful, but expensive, so make sure you have enough magic for it.

Rune Adept Rare Water
ST:20 HP:20 MHP:20 G:50+Water
Item Limit: Cannot use Weapons Cannot use Armor
Scroll Critical Hit / Anti-Spell / Secret Art (100G): Uses the effect of a Instant card in user's hand.

A master of forbidden magic. After many years of research, he developed a method to harness a card's power without consuming it.


Scroll Critical Hit = Your Scroll Attacks deal 1.5 times more damage.
Anti-Spell = Can't be targeted by single-target spells. Is still affected by multi-target spells.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.


Its Secret Art lets you cast a Spell Card from your hand for a flat cost without using up the card. Find the right spells to use with this and go wild!

Scylla Rare Water
ST:30 HP:40 MHP:40 G:60+Water
In Battle: Disables opponent's Attack Bonus. / Battle End: Adds "Sleep" Enchant to enemy creature.

A demon from the deep ocean. Her poisonous claws make her enemies woozy and the thin layer of mucus that coats her body nullifies certain effects.


Sleep Enchant = cannot take tolls.


This creature disables the opponent's Attack Bonus abilities. In addition, it will inflict the opponent with Sleep, making them unable to take tolls.

Sea Bonze Rare Water
ST:10 HP:40 MHP:40 G:40
Land Limit: Cannot be placed on FireCannot be placed on Earth
Item Limit: Cannot use Weapons Cannot use Armor Cannot use Tools Cannot use Scrolls
Defensive / In Battle: Disables all effects and abilities. (Activates first.)

An advance guard of the Sea Monk tribe's army. The fog wrapped around its body drains its enemies of their powers.


Defensive = Cannot invade or be moved with Move Creature.


A creature that negates many effects. It's at its best when under a strong land effect, so have it defend your high-level territories.

Swamp Spawn Rare Water
ST:20 HP:40 MHP:40 G:20
Land Limit: Cannot be placed on Fire
Item Limit: Cannot use Weapons Cannot use Scrolls
Defensive / Secret Art (50G): Adds "Dice 1-3" Enchant to target Cepter. (Makes the next dice roll 1 to 3.)

A creature born in the murky depths of a swamp. It ensnares Cepters with its long tentacles and drags them down into the depths.


Defensive = Cannot invade or be moved with Move Creature.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.
Dice 1-3 Enchant = Makes your next dice roll 1-3.


Its Secret Art controls the dice. It's useful for forcing enemy Cepters into your territory, but also good when you want to stop at a certain land.

Vigilante Rare Water
ST:20 HP:30 MHP:30 G:50+Water
In Battle: Quickly tap the A Button to increase HP. If HP is raised above 100 in this way, it becomes 10.

A group of vigilantes sworn to protect their city. They become more powerful as their blood boils. However, if they get too hot-blooded, they pass out.


It's difficult to obtain the highest amount of HP possible with this card's effect, but with a bit of practice, you can use it and save on item use.

Jump to: Neutral ~ Fire ~ Water ~ Earth ~ Air ~ Items ~ Spells

Earth Earth Creatures

Black Knight Rare Earth
ST:40 HP:40 MHP:40 G:90
Critical Hit: Creatures with ST of 30 and under / In Battle: Disables opponent's Attack Bonus.

Knight with an evil heart. Is ruthless to the weak. His armor is black as his heart and deflects his enemies' special techniques.


Critical Hit = Deals 1.5 times more damage to the opponent.


His Critical Hit is useful for invasions. Instant Death does not affect him during battle, so you can entrust him with defending as well.

Brontides Rare Earth
ST:60 HP:60 MHP:60 G:80+EarthEarth+Card
Land Limit: Cannot be placed on Water
Item Limit: Cannot use Tools
Support: FireEarth / Boost: HP+10 to Fire & Earth creatures.

Ruler of all forested lands. It reigns over the forest with enormous power. It bolsters the strength of its subjects, but also uses them as shields when needed.


Support = In battle, this creature can use creatures in your hand as items.
Boost = In battle, raises ST and/or HP of each creature on the map that meets the conditions.


Increases fire and earth creatures' HP and can use them as Support. This creature is powerful, but has steep summon conditions.

Captain Cock Rare Earth
ST:30 HP:30 MHP:30 G:50+Earth
Item Limit: Cannot use Scrolls
Vigorous / Secret Art (60G): Removes Fatigued from user's target creature.

Captain of the chicken army. A hard worker who never rests, he's not happy when his allies are resting. Everyone will wake up when he calls.


Vigorous = Is not Fatigued, even after using Secret Arts or Territory Commands.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.


Its Secret Art removes Fatigued from its fellow creatures. Not useful in all situations, but indispensable in books centered around Secret Arts.

Earth Spirit Rare Earth
ST:40 HP:30 MHP:30 G:60
MHP+10 when Terrain Change or Land Level Up are used on the territory this creature is on (up to a max of 100).

A mineral spirit. Its body hardens in response to magic poured into the land.


Changes to MHP last until the creature reverts to a card.


Each time you use one of the two Territory Commands, its MHP improves. As the land's value increases, this creature's defense will as well.

Gargoyle Rare Earth
ST:30 HP:50 MHP:50 G:70+Earth
Attacks First / In Battle: ST=50 when defending.

A demon that has skin like stone. It pretends to be a stone statue and ambushes invaders.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle, even when defending.


Has both Attacks First and an ability that makes it deal more damage when defending. This is a creature that specializes in repelling invaders.

Glowhorn Rare Earth
ST:50 HP:40 MHP:40 G:50+Earth
Item Limit: Cannot use Scrolls
Synergy: Fire (ST & HP+20)

A large beetle with a burning horn. When there's a nearby source of fire energy, its horn burns even hotter.


Synergy = ST and/or HP are increased when a creature of a certain element is in play.


Its base stats are high. If the conditions are met for its Synergy ability, you can expect a successful invasion.

Grimalkin Rare Earth
ST:20 HP:30 MHP:30 G:40+Earth
Support: FireEarth / Anti-Spell

A cat girl who is so swift, she can even dodge spells. She is fascinated by other living creatures, but in a fight, she'll gladly use them as shields.


Support = In battle, this creature can use creatures in your hand as items.
Anti-Spell = Can't be targeted by single-target spells. Is still affected by multi-target spells.


It has low ability values, but its Anti-Spell and Support abilities make it good for defending.

Hardrock Dragon Rare Earth
ST:50 HP:50 MHP:50 G:80+EarthEarth
Land Limit: Cannot be placed on Air
Item Limit: Cannot use Armor
Attacks First / Secret Art (60G): HP-20 to target Fire or Air creature.

A dragon with a body of stone. The noxious breath it exhales is extremely harmful to fire and air creatures.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle, even when defending.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.


A dragon with a high cost, but undeniable power. Its Secret Art lets it damage fire and air element creatures remotely.

Jormungandr Rare Earth
ST:60 HP:60 MHP:60 G:110+EarthEarth
Attacks First / Regenerates / Upon Victory: Changes battle territory to a Earth land.

Dragon god of the earth. It has a large body that is capable of wrapping around a mountain. Its large body erodes the land around it.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle, even when defending.
Regenerates = If not killed, HP returns to full after battle.


A heavyweight creature with top-tier values and abilities. Changes all lands in which it wins a battle into earth lands, so it's good for invading anywhere.

Rock Shell Rare Earth
ST:40 HP:30 MHP:30 G:60
Item Limit: Cannot use Scrolls
Secret Art (50G): Adds "Peace" Enchant to itself.

A giant snail with a stone shell. When it hides itself in its shell, it is disguised as a boulder. Those who wish to hunt it will have to go home empty-handed.


Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.
Peace Enchant = Cannot be invaded and toll value becomes 0 G.


Casts the Peace enchantment that prevents invasions and taking tolls. Lets you create a territory that is more difficult for the enemy to attack.

Sakuya Rare Earth
ST:20 HP:30 MHP:30 G:30+Earth
Land Limit: Cannot be placed on Air
Secret Art (120G): Transforms target territory in user's possession to a Earth land.

An earth spirit who protects the forest. No matter how devastated the land is, she can use her power to turn it into a lush forest.


Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.


It can transform a land in your possession to the earth element. It's weak, so you will need to support it against your enemy's attacks.

Sproutling Rare Earth
ST:20 HP:30 MHP:30 G:60
Receives land effect from Fire lands. / Secret Art (50G): Evolves into Old Willow.

A young root fairy. It uses its roots as feet to walk around, even though it's a plant. When it finds fertile soil, it plants its roots and grows.


Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.
Old Willow = Fire / ST:20 / HP:40


After evolving, this creature makes all enemy Cepters stop on its space, so evolve it at just the right time to spring a surprise trap!

Sylvan Duchess Rare Earth
ST:50 HP:50 MHP:50 G:60+EarthEarth
Support: Earth / Regenerates / Battle Start: Destroys opponent's tool, scroll, or supporting creature.

A messenger of the Earth God. In the Earth God's absence, she acts as a surrogate and gives power to the spirits of earth.


Support = In battle, this creature can use creatures in your hand as items.
Regenerates = If not killed, HP returns to full after battle.


A heavyweight creature with top-tier stats and abilities. It can negate any backup or gear the enemy might have.

Unnameable Rare Earth
ST:50 HP:10 MHP:10 G:30+Earth+Card
Attacks Last / Instant Death: 70% / Upon Victory: Destroys any cards identical to defeated creature in opponent's book and hand (80%).

An unknowable creature from another dimension that breaks its victims with its mere appearance. The souls of those who die fall into a different dimension.


Attacks Last = Attacks after the enemy, even when invading.
Instant Death = Defeat the opponent regardless of remaining HP.


Its ability to erase all copies of its victim strikes fear into the enemy. Since it has Attacks Last, you'll need to make sure it survives.

Jump to: Neutral ~ Fire ~ Water ~ Earth ~ Air ~ Items ~ Spells

Air Air Creatures

Aero Duchess Rare Air
ST:50 HP:50 MHP:50 G:60+AirAir
Attacks First / Scroll Critical Hit / Secret Art (50G): HP&MHP-10 to target enemy creature.

A messenger of the Wind God. In the Wind God's absence, she acts as a surrogate and gives power to the spirits of wind.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle, even when defending.
Scroll Critical Hit = Your Scroll Attacks deal 1.5 times more damage.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase Changes to MHP last until the creature reverts to a card.


A heavyweight creature with top-tier ability values and abilities. You can use its Secret Art to soften up formidable enemies from afar.

Garuda Rare Air
ST:0 HP:40 MHP:40 G:40+AirAir
Land Limit: Cannot be placed on Earth
In Battle: ST & HP= (Number of Air creatures in play x10).

A messenger of the wind god. Its power is tied closely to that of the wind itself.


Its performance improves as the amount of air creatures in play increases. It's safe to say this creature will be the star of any air book.

Kirin Rare Air
ST:20 HP:40 MHP:40 G:80
Attacks First / Synergy: Water (ST & HP+20)

A holy beast that appears before people to deliver good omens. Its power awakens in the presence of water energy.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle, even when defending.
Synergy = ST and/or HP are increased when a creature of a certain element is in play.


With its Attacks First ability and the increased ability values from Synergy, it can become a powerful defender.

Lemures Rare Air
ST:20 HP:30 MHP:30 G:30+Air
Secret Art (50G): User steals a Creature Card from targeted enemy Cepter's hand and then this creature moves to the targeted Cepter's hand.

A whimsical evil with the power of hypnosis. It confuses enemies just by staring at them, running off to steal cards from those it has put in a trance.


Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.


Its Secret Art lets it steal a creature from your opponent's hand. Your opponent gets this card in return, but it's useless unless they have air lands.

Lightning Dragon Rare Air
ST:50 HP:50 MHP:50 G:80+AirAir
Land Limit: Cannot be placed on Earth
Item Limit: Cannot use Armor
Attacks First / Secret Art (60G): HP-20 to target Water or Earth creature.

A wind dragon with the power of lightning. It can send its bolts to destroy both earth and sea alike.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle, even when defending.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.


A dragon with high cost, but undeniable power. Its Secret Art lets it damage water and earth element creatures remotely.

Lord of Bane Rare Air
ST:70 HP:60 MHP:60 G:80+AirAir+Card
Land Limit: Cannot be placed on Fire
Item Limit: Cannot use Tools
Boost: ST+10 to Water & Air / Secret Art (60G): ST+20 to creatures with ST 30 or less, ST-20 to those with ST 50 or more.

The Ruler of the Winds. The King Destroyer. Its four wings stir up the winds and bring great discord to the world.


Boost = In battle, raises ST and/or HP of each creature on the map that meets the conditions.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.
Changes to the Base ST last until the creature reverts to a card.


Can increase the ST of all water and air creatures on the map. Its ability values are high, but it has a lot of summoning conditions.

Patronus Rare Air
ST:30 HP:20 MHP:20 G:30+Air
Anti-Spell / Secret Art (50G): Adds "Anti-Spell" Enchant to target Cepter.

A sacred guardian that stands beside the one that called it and raises a holy barrier to protect them from evil magic.


Anti-Spell = Can't be targeted by single-target spells. Is still affected by multi-target spells.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.
Anti-Spell Enchant = Grants the Anti-Spell ability.


This creature is immune to spells and can make its Cepter immune to spells as well.

Samhain Rare Air
ST:20 HP:40 MHP:40 G:50+Card
Synthesis: Enchant Spells (ST+20). / Battle End: Opponent's MHP- (this creature's Base ST).

Reaper with a pumpkin head. It tries to harvest its victims' souls with its scythe. Even if they block the scythe, the reaper takes its toll nonetheless.


Synthesis = Activate this effect by discarding a specific kind of card.
Changes to MHP last until the creature reverts to a card.


Its Battle End effect is able to reduce the enemy's MHP, possibly even to 0. With Synthesis, its Battle End ability becomes even more effective.

Scolopendra Rare Air
ST:30 HP:40 MHP:40 G:50+Card
Item Limit: Cannot use Scrolls
Synthesis: Water (Evolves into Deep-Sea Dragon). / Attack Bonus: Adds "Poison" Enchant.

A large centipede with deadly poison and a mysterious power. When it obtains enough water energy, it molts and becomes a giant dragon.


Synthesis = Activate this effect by discarding a specific kind of card.
Deep-Sea Dragon = Water / ST:50 / HP:50
Poison Enchant = At end of battle, HP decreases by 1/2 of MHP.


Even if it can't defeat its opponent with its attack, its poison may finish them off. Once it's become a dragon, it has a powerful scroll attack when unarmed.

Sword Princess Rare Air
ST:40 HP:30 MHP:30 G:70+Air
Attacks First / HP and MHP cannot be altered by spells. / Secret Art (60G): Evolves into Armed Princess.

A princess that fights on the front lines. Protected by the people's wishes, she is immune to destructive spells. She seeks to upgrade her arsenal to be even stronger.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle, even when defending.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.
Armed Princess = Air / ST:40 / HP:40


Cannot be damaged by spells. Use its Secret Art to let it transform from a sparkling princess to an armored warrior.

Tetrarm Rare Air
ST:20 HP:30 MHP:30 G:50+Air
Attacks Twice.

Statue with four arms and a wicked heart. It attacks relentlessly with swords and curses.


You can take the most advantage of its ability to attack twice by equipping it with a powerful weapon.

Thunder Spawn Rare Air
ST:30 HP:40 MHP:40 G:50+Air
Item Limit: Cannot use Scrolls
In Battle: ST+ (Number of user's Water lands x10). / Can move to any enemy land with a mismatching element creature on it.

A creature born of lightning. It can raid far- off lands in a flash. Its lighting powers increase when exposed to large amounts of water.


Its ST improves with the number of water lands you own, so make sure to bring some water creatures. Useful when invading far-off territories.

Typhon Rare Air
ST:60 HP:60 MHP:60 G:110+AirAir
Attacks First / Critical Hit: FireEarth / Upon Victory: Changes battle territory to a Air land.

A wind dragon lord with powers of destruction feared by even the gods. Any land it makes its lair is turned to dust and filled with turbulent windstorms.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle, even when defending.
Critical Hit = Deals 1.5 times more damage to the opponent.


A heavyweight creature with top-tier performance. Changes any land in which it wins a battle into an air land, so it's good for invading anywhere.

Witch Rare Air
ST:20 HP:30 MHP:30 G:55
Item Limit: Cannot use Weapons
Scroll Critical Hit / Secret Art (30G): Steals (number of Spell Cards in target enemy Cepter's hand x40)G.

A witch that claims to tell fortunes, but most of the time, her fortunes result in tragedy.


Scroll Critical Hit = Your Scroll Attacks deal 1.5 times more damage.
Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.


Can continually take magic from enemy Cepters, but once they decide they've had enough of her, she's easy to defeat.

Jump to: Neutral ~ Fire ~ Water ~ Earth ~ Air ~ Items ~ Spells

Armor Items

Angel Cape Rare Armor
HP+40 / Immune to Destroy Item and Steal Item effects.

A cape for angels, charged with holy power. It blesses the wearer with protection against underhanded tactics.


This armor can't be stolen or destroyed by enemies when it is equipped. Use it against tricky foes.

Angry Mask Rare Tool
HP+30 / Battle End: Opponent's HP- (damage your creature received in battle).

A cursed mask that turns a desire for revenge into power. Those that attack carelessly may find themselves receiving a painful counterattack.


This HP reduction is unaffected by any increases that occurred during battle.


A powerful tool that not only increases your HP, but makes a counterattack after the battle that can't be stopped by equipment.

Argent Key Rare Tool
Attacks First / ST+10 / Attack Bonus: Moves equipped creature to random vacant land if opponent was not destroyed.

A silver key filled with powerful magic. When it senses danger, it opens a portal to let its user escape.


Attacks First = Attacks first in a battle, even when defending. If there are no empty lands, equipped creature will be destroyed.


Even if you can't defeat your enemy, this item will allow you to claim a land anyway.

Aura Strike Rare Scroll
Scroll Attack: ST= (equipped creature's base ST).

A scroll with a magic spell inscribed on it. It transforms the user into a spirit beast to attack the enemy.


Scroll Attack = Attack with a scroll instead of your creature. Penetrates the land effect.


An item that can convert a creature's ST into a Scroll Attack that can ignore various defenses. Lets you deal powerful Scroll Attacks.

Burning Rod Rare Scroll
Scroll Attack: ST= (number of user's FireEarth territories x10). / Scroll Critical Hit: WaterAir

A scroll with a magic spell inscribed on it. It focuses the powers of fire and earth into a burning stake and shoots it at the enemy.


Scroll Attack = Attack with a scroll instead of your creature. Penetrates the land effect.
Scroll Critical Hit = Your Scroll Attacks deal 1.5 times more damage.


This scroll becomes stronger the more territories you own. It's possible to make it stronger than any other scroll.

Chilling Blast Rare Scroll
Scroll Attack: ST= (number of User's WaterAir territories x10). / Scroll Critical Hit: FireEarth

A scroll with a magic spell inscribed on it. It focuses the powers of water and air into a freezing wind that buffets the enemy.


Scroll Attack = Attack with a scroll instead of your creature. Penetrates the land effect.
Scroll Critical Hit = Your Scroll Attacks deal 1.5 times more damage.


This scroll becomes stronger the more territories you own. It's possible to make it stronger than any other scroll.

Claw of Shade Rare Weapon
ST+ (Number of creatures in play with same element as opponent x10).

A claw containing the power of a shadow demon. It becomes sharper as its prey becomes more numerous.


This weapon increases ST based on the number of creatures currently on the map, so it's best used later on in a match.

Claymore Rare Weapon

A large long sword with a unique cross-guard. Only a true swordsman is capable of using such a blade.


A weapon with a very high ST boost. Useful when you need to invade a highly fortified territory.

Eternal Mail Rare Armor
HP+40 / Battle End: Recycles to Book.

Everlasting armor that contains the soul of a veteran samurai. After a battle, it returns to your book to prepare for the next fight.


Recycles = After it is used, the card returns to the user's hand or book (depending on the card)


Strong armor that can be used many times. Can reduce the number of armor cards you need in your book.

Gremlin's Eye Rare Tool
Battle Start: Destroys the opponent's item unless its Rarity is Normal.

A charm necklace made to look like a Gremlin's eye. Much like Gremlins, it can cause devices to stop functioning.


A tool that can destroy the opponent's item. It does not apply to items with a Rarity of Rare, but it is extremely useful, nonetheless.

Magma Armor Rare Armor
HP+ (Number of user's FireEarth territories x20).

Armor imbued with the power of magma. It gains power from fire and earth lands to become even stronger.


Increases HP based on how many territories you own. It's possible to gain enough HP with this to be invincible in battle.

Murasame Rare Weapon
ST+20 / Disables opponent's Neutralizes and Reflects abilities.

A legendary sword made by a master artisan. It has a blade so sharp, it can cut through anything.


Neutralizes = Does not receive damage from opponent during battle.
Reflects = Reflects attack to opponent, does not receive any damage.


This weapon is able to blow through both the Neutralizes and Reflects abilities, ensuring your rage reaches your foe.

Reactive Armor Rare Armor
Battle Start: Destroys opponent's weapon. / HP+30

Automated armor that senses an enemy's weapon and breaks it before it can be used.


This armor is good against item-heavy books and even increases HP a bit.

Squid Mantle Rare Armor
HP+40 / In Battle: Disables opponent's Attack Bonus.

A squishy cape made of squidskin that wraps around incoming attacks and stops even the most advanced of techniques.


This tool not only increases HP, but also nullifies any Attack Bonus abilities the foe has. Also works against Instant Death abilities.

Storm Armor Rare Armor
HP+ (Number of user's AirWater territories x20).

Armor imbued with the power of a storm. It gains power from water and air lands to become even stronger.


Increases HP based on how many territories you own. It's possible to gain enough HP with this to be invincible in battle.

Stormcauser Rare Weapon
ST+60 / HP-30

Magical sword that calls a storm. It provides great power to its user, but eats away at their soul.


This weapon gives the highest ST bonus of any weapon. Use it to topple the toughest creatures.

Topaz Amulet Rare Tool
Instant Death: 60% against Fire and Air creatures. / Neutralizes: FireAir

Topaz amulet that borrows power from the elemental gods of this world. It grants complete mastery over the fire & air elements.


Instant Death = Defeat the opponent regardless of remaining HP.
Neutralizes = Does not receive damage from opponent during battle.


This tool works extremely well against specific elements. If you can anticipate your foe's book, this can be a game changer.

Turquoise Amulet Rare Tool
Instant Death: 60% against Water and Earth creatures. / Neutralizes: WaterEarth

Turquoise amulet that borrows power from the elemental gods of this world. It grants complete mastery over the water & earth elements.


Instant Death = Defeat the opponent regardless of remaining HP.
Neutralizes = Does not receive damage from opponent during battle.


This tool works extremely well against specific elements. If you can anticipate your foe's book, this can be a game changer.

Vorpal Sword Rare Weapon
ST+30 / Critical Hit: Creatures with MHP of 40 and up.

A dragon-slaying sword that is said to have been used by the legendary white knight to defeat a giant dragon.


Critical Hit = Deals 1.5 times more damage to the opponent.


Its ST is mediocre, but the range of things it can get a critical hit on is large. It's expensive, but it's worth it.

Warlock's Disk Rare Tool
In Battle: Disables all effects and abilities. (Activates first.)

A disk created by an artificer that absorbs all magic in a room when thrown.


A tool that cancels out any unexpected abilities in battle. Use it when you want a simple contest of strength without any trickery.

Jump to: Neutral ~ Fire ~ Water ~ Earth ~ Air ~ Items ~ Spells

Multi-Instant Spells

Alarm Rare Multi-Instant
Removes Fatigued from all creatures owned by the user.

A horn that echoes around the world. Its booming sound reverberates through creatures to wake them up and boost their morale.


A highly important spell for any book, but especially one focused on using Secret Arts.

Asteroid Rare Instant
Lowers target territory's level by 1. / Synthesis: Asteroid (Changes effect to "Target territory's level becomes 1.")

Calls down asteroids wandering the cosmos to crush the land below. If many are called down at once, they obliterate the land in a fiery onslaught.


Synthesis = Activate this effect by discarding a specific kind of card.


Using this card's Synthesis ability requires having 2 copies of it in your hand, but turns it into a powerful spell that can win you the match.

Bright World Rare Global
Adds "No Conditions" Enchant to the world. (For 6 rounds, all conditions and all costs besides magic are ignored when placing a creature.)

Fills the world with spiritual power. It allows even the biggest of creatures to manifest with ease.


A global enchantment that lets all Cepters ignore all summon conditions. Lets powerful creatures flood the field.

Burning Hail Rare Multi-Instant
HP-20 to all Water and Air creatures.

Calls down burning boulders that knock flying creatures out of the sky and vaporize water creatures with intense heat.


A spell that can attack all water and air creatures. If you use it well, it has the power to drastically change the match's outcome.

Dark World Rare Global
Adds "Anti-Spell" Enchant to the world. (For 6 rounds, all creatures with an Enchant cannot be targeted by spells.)

Covers the world in magical darkness, causing enchantments to consume the energy of other spells.


A global enchantment that gives Anti-Spell to all creatures with an enchantment. It's effective against Cepters that use attack spells.

Disaster Rare Multi-Instant
HP-30 to all Fatigued creatures with MHP of 50 or more.

Bigger creatures may be mighty, but it is the small creatures who will survive when disaster strikes.


This sharply damages heavy creatures' HP. The more powerful your enemy's creatures are, the more it'll hurt to see them damaged so severely.

Dominant Growth Rare Enchant
Adds "Growth Command" Enchant to target creature. (MHP+20 when Terrain Change or Land Level Up are used on this creature's territory (max. 100).)

Whenever this territory is infused with magic, this spell redirects some of that magic into the creature guarding it, causing it to grow to an immense size.


Changes to MHP last until the creature reverts to a card.


A spell that improves MHP every time the territory is leveled up or changed. Even after the spell runs out, the MHP increases will remain.

Erosion Rare Multi-Instant
If target Cepter has 2 or more of the same card in their hand, those cards are destroyed. / Synthesis: Spells (Changes target to "all Cepters.")

A corrosion that takes root when multiple cards of the same type are packed together. This corrosion will eat away at a card and all its copies.


Synthesis = Activate this effect by discarding a specific kind of card.


A useful spell when the opponent uses the same cards multiple times. Although the timing is tricky, you can expect good results from this card.

Fear Rare Instant
Returns target Cepter's creature with the lowest MHP to their hand.

Overwhelming fear that causes weak creatures to abandon their posts and run for their lives.


If owner's hand has 10 cards in it, this card will be destroyed instead of returning to their hand.


Since this targets a Cepter and not a creature, its effect will even work on creatures that have Anti-Spell. You can use this and catch them off guard!

Fluxion Rare Instant
Hidden / User steals 30% of target enemy Cepter's magic if user possesses less Current Magic than opponent.

A secret strategy that involves defeating stronger Cepters by ambushing them when they least expect it.


Hidden = This card is flipped face-down to other Cepters while it is in your hand.


This card is Hidden from your enemies. If you throw your enemies off guard, you will be able to steal large amounts of magic.

Form Portal Rare Instant
Teleports user to the nearest gate. (User cannot roll the dice this turn.)

Forms a dimensional hole in the air that lets Cepters walk directly to the nearest gate.


A spell that lets you teleport to the nearest gate. It's useful for completing laps, so it's an important card.

Freeze Cyclone Rare Multi-Instant
HP-20 to all Fire and Earth creatures.

Calls an icy storm that freezes fire creatures with frigid winds and shreds earth creatures with razor sharp shards of hail.


A spell that can attack all fire and earth creatures. If you use it well, it has the power to drastically change the match's outcome.

Home Ground Rare Multi-Instant
Hidden / If user has 4 or more placed creatures whose element doesn't match the land they're on, the lands will change to match the creatures. / If not, Recycles to book.

A secret strategy that misleads the enemy by placing creatures on mismatching element lands and then suddenly changing the lands.


Hidden = This card is flipped face-down to other Cepters while it is in your hand.
Recycles = After it is used, the card returns to the user's hand or book (depending on the card).


This card is Hidden from your enemies. If you randomly place your creatures at the start of a match, this lets you match them to their lands all at once.

Immobilize Rare Multi-Enchant
Adds "Immobilize" Enchant to all creatures. (Cannot be moved by Territory Commands.)

Petrifies the lower half of each creature's body. They will still be able to attack, but can no longer move.


A spell that seals movement. Using this can ruin an enemy Cepter's plans to make Move Invasions.

Insect Swarm Rare Multi-Instant
HP-20 to all creatures that are not at maximum HP.

A cloud of tiny flies whipped into a frenzy by the smell of blood. They will eat away at the flesh of any wounded creature in their path.


This spell can reduce creatures' HP directly and even potentially finish them off. However, its cost is high and it's a bit tricky to use.

Joint World Rare Global
Adds "Cross-Element Chains" Enchant to world. (For 6 rounds, Fire and Earth territories chain together and Water and Air territories chain together.)

Links the various elemental energies in the world together, causing power to flow together, unhindered by boundaries.


A global enchantment that lets elements chain with each other. It makes matches faster, so use it to get the last bit of magic you need to win.

Magical Leap Rare Instant
Transports user to any nearby territory of user's choice within 1 to 4 spaces. User cannot roll the dice this turn.

The ability to leap, even if it's a short distance, to a safe place is most welcome when you find yourself in danger.


Even though it's restricted to a short distance, it's still useful to jump to a different territory.

Merciful World Rare Global
Adds "Mercy" Enchant to world. (For 6 rounds, all Cepters cannot invade territories of Cepters ranked below them.)

Creates a gentle world where the strong show mercy to the weak.


A global enchantment best used when you're lagging behind. Although its time is limited, it lets you focus on recovering.

Metal Form Rare Enchant
Adds "Metallization" Enchant to target creature. (Has "Neutralizes: Normal Attacks", but cannot use armor.)

Transforms a creature's body to metal to protect it from physical attacks.


Neutralizes = Does not receive damage from opponent during battle.


An enchantment that makes your creature immune to all Normal Attacks. Use this mighty enchantment on an important territory.

Mirror World Rare Global
Adds "Extinction" Enchant to world. (For 6 rounds, at Battle Start, if either creature has multiple copies in play, that creature is destroyed.)

Creates a ruthless world full of evil twins. You never know when yours will find you...


A global enchantment that destroys duplicate creatures. Use this to threaten an opponent who floods the map with the same creature.

Misty World Rare Global
Adds "Anti-Spell" Enchant to the world. (For 6 rounds, all Cepters cannot be targeted by spells.)

A thick fog blankets the world, dampening the power of spells and making it impossible to properly target other Cepters.


A global enchantment which will disable all Cepters from using spells. Using this can drastically change a match.

Natural World Rare Global
Adds "Abilities Disabled" Enchant to the world. (For 6 rounds, Secret Art, Upon Defeat, and Battle End abilities do not activate.)

This spell alters the universe itself and temporarily removes the law of existence required for the cards of Culdcept to fully exert their powers.


A global enchantment which will disable certain effects from all creatures. Using this can drastically change the outcome of the match.

Obliteration Rare Multi-Instant
All Cepters lose (number of Element Gems owned x70)G. / If there is no Gem Store, all Cepters lose 10% of their current magic.

Overloads the elemental energy in all active Element Gems, causing them to detonate and blow away their owners' magic.


When there is a Gem Store on the map, this is a useful spell to use when enemy Cepters have far more Gems then you do.

Peace Rare Enchant
Adds "Peace" Enchant to target creature. (Cannot be invaded, and toll becomes 0G.)

An enchantment that causes all living things that approach to forget conflict and strife.


A spell to protect your creature from invasions. You can also put it on the enemy's most expensive territory, so they won't be able to charge tolls.

Penalize Rare Multi-Enchant
Adds "Paralysis" Enchant to all Evo Cards. (Can't attack or use items, and abilities do not activate.)

A penalty issued by Culdra to the swiftly growing dragon tribe, in order to balance the universe.


Good for dealing with multiple Evo Creatures at once. A card for taking down Evo Cards that are too powerful.

Quicksand Rare Enchant
Adds "Force Stop" Enchant to target creature. (The next Cepter who tries to pass this creature within 2 rounds must stop here.)

Conjures a field of quicksand around a creature. It sucks in the feet of anyone trying to pass, forcing them to stop.


"Force Stop" Enchant will not activate or be consumed if a Cepter lands directly on this territory.


Use this on a high level territory to force enemy Cepters to stop on it. The cost is high, but the results are worth it.

Quintessence Rare Instant
Changes a target territory with a level lower than 5 to Multi-Element.

After years of research, alchemists discovered a fifth element comprised of the other four. This spell infuses a land with the power of this new element.


Use this spell to obtain the land effect on your own territory or disrupt your enemy's land effect and chains. It's a very versatile spell.

Ray of Purge Rare Multi-Instant
Destroys all Enchant spell cards in all Cepters' hands.

When the will of the god of creation becomes a light that blankets the world, cards that sow discord will be reduced to ash.


It removes enchantment spells instantly from all Cepters' hands. Prepare to have the other Cepters all grumbling at you after you use this.

Reincarnation Rare Instant
User discards all cards from current hand and draws a number of cards equal to the number they discarded +1.

Everyone goes through times when they want to abandon everything and start over. However, doing so isn't always guaranteed to improve the situation...


Exchanges your entire hand. If you want to go through your book faster for the right cards, this spell is extremely useful.

Revival Rare Instant
Target Cepter's book is reverted to the state it was in when the game began.

Culdra's power gathers up all a Cepter's lost, broken, and discarded cards and reforms their book to the state it was in before the battle.


A spell that can reset books. It's useful when you want to draw a card you already used.

Senility Rare Enchant
Adds "Last Breath" Enchant to target creature. (This creature is destroyed at the end of battle.)

A curse that causes creatures to quickly age, making their bodies frail and their bones brittle.


Ensures its target is defeated after a battle. Use it to topple an especially tough enemy territory. Its cost is high, but at the end of a match, it's worth it.

Sense of Wild Rare Instant
User draws a card. If the drawn card is a creature, it is summoned to a random vacant land.

In order to make the most of this spell, a Cepter must sharpen their sixth sense.


If there are no empty lands, the Creature Card is added to the user's hand.


A spell that places creatures randomly. For books that have more creatures, it's a very useful spell.

Shining Geyser Rare Instant
HP-30 to target enemy creature. / Synthesis: Instant Spells (Changes effect to "HP-40.")

Intense light erupts from a territory, dealing huge damage to creatures. Sacrificing another spell to fuel this card's power increases the light's intensity.


Synthesis = Activate this effect by discarding a specific kind of card.


The cost is high, but the spell gives huge damage to an enemy creature. If you use the Synthesis ability, the damage will increase.

Sigil of Drain Rare Enchant
Adds "Drain Spell" Enchant to target creature with no Secret Art. (Grants "Secret Art (20G): User steals 10% of target enemy Cepter's Current Magic.")

Places a magic seal on a creature that grants it the use of a drain spell.


Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase.
If this is added to a creature that already has a Secret Art, it will only be able to use its native Secret Art.


A spell that grants a Secret Art ability that lets you steal magic. If you absorb too much magic, you'll anger the other Cepters, so use it with care.

Sigil of Float Rare Enchant
Adds "Move Spell" Enchant to target creature with no Secret Art. (Grants "Secret Art (50G): Adds "Dice 5" Enchant to target Cepter.")

Places a magic seal on a creature that grants it the use of a floating spell.


Secret Art = Used as a Spell in the Spell Phase. Dice 5Enchant = Rolls 5 on dice.
If this is added to a creature that already has a Secret Art, it will only be able to use its native Secret Art.


It gives a creature a Secret Art that lets it add the "Dice 5" enchantment to a Cepter. With this ability, you won't need to rely on dice Spell Cards.

Sneak Hand Rare Instant
Hidden / User steals an Item Card from the hand of a target enemy Cepter with two or more Item Cards.

A secret strategy that focuses on taking items from owners who probably won't even notice they're gone...


Hidden = This card is flipped face-down to other Cepters while it is in your hand.


This card is Hidden from your enemies. Good for stealing a powerful card your opponent was saving.

Solid World Rare Global
Adds "Land Protection" Enchant to the world. (For 6 rounds, lands cannot have their level lowered and their element cannot be changed by spells.)

Stretches an invisible barrier over the world. Lands under this barrier's protection cannot be destroyed or transformed by unnatural means.


A spell that won't allow players to weaken any lands. When you're winning a match, it's best to use this to secure your advantage.

Subsidence Rare Instant
Lowers level of target enemy Cepter's highest level territory by 1. / Synthesis: Subsidence (Changes target to "all Cepters.").

Converts magical energy in a territory into gravity to crush the land. Using two of these cards at once causes gravity spikes all over the map.


Synthesis = Activate this effect by discarding a specific kind of card.


A spell that lowers the level of an enemy territory. It'll be difficult, but try collecting two of this card for its Synthesis ability.

Temptation Rare Instant
Use target creature's Secret Art.

Beguiles an enemy creature, allowing you to use its skills for yourself.


Usable even when target creature is Fatigued. No cost needs to be paid for the Secret Art being used as a result of this spell.


A spell that allows you to use a creature's Secret Art. It can be used on Fatigued creatures, and is very powerful.

Theft Rare Instant
User chooses a spell card from target enemy Cepter's hand and steals it.

Blatantly stealing an enemy's spell is a tactic that should only be used as a last resort for a Cepter.


Steal whichever spell you like. Lets you get a card and disrupt your enemy too. Can even be used to take back cards the enemy stole from you.

Thrust Blow Rare Instant
Moves target creature to adjacent vacant territory.

Disrupts atmospheric pressure to create an intense wind that blows creatures away to a completely different land.


Moves enemy creatures to another space to break their land effect or chain. Since it moves them to vacant lands, it won't cause battles.

Tiny Army Rare Instant
Hidden / If user has 5 or more creatures with MHP of 30 or under, those creatures receive MHP +10 and user gains 500G. / If not, Recycles to Book.

A secret strategy that utilizes a small army with high morale.


Hidden = This card is flipped face-down to other Cepters while it is in your hand.
Changes to MHP last until the creature reverts to a card.
Recycles = After it is used, the card returns to the user's hand or book (depending on the card).


This card is Hidden from your enemies. This goes well with a book full of small creatures. Attack the opponent while they're underestimating you!

Turn to the Wall Rare Instant
Transforms target creature into a specific Defensive creature of the same element.

Overloads a creature's inherent elemental energy, causing it to transform into a concentrated elemental mass.


Defensive = Cannot invade or be moved with Move Creature.
Depending on its element, the targeted creature will change accordingly.


It can transform a fearsome enemy creature into something easier to defeat or transform one of your weaker creatures into a solid defender.

Tyranny Rare Multi-Enchant
Adds "Paralysis" Enchant to all creatures with MHP of 30 and under. (Creatures cannot attack or use items and their abilities do not activate.)

When faced with the power of absolute authority, weak creatures are struck with fear and find themselves unable to move.


This can be used to disable the abilities of all weak creatures that are hard to defeat in regular combat.

Last Updated on Thursday, 11 January 2024 10:47

Card of the Moment

Bounty Hunt Revolt
Adds "Bounty" to target creature. (Can't be moved or exchanged by Territory Command. If killed with a weapon, the Cepter that killed it gets 300G.)

Culdcept Revolt


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