
Spells - Enchant

This list draws its information directly from the English release of Culdcept Revolt. If you spot an error, please let us know!

If you're looking for an easy-to-print list, grab Whooh05's spreadsheet here.

Click a card to view it full size.


Barrier Normal Single-Enchant
Adds "Anti-Spell" to target Cepter. (For 5 rounds, target Cepter cannot be chosen as the target of a spell.)
Binding Mist Strange Single-Enchant
Adds "Paralysis" to target creature. (Creatures cannot attack or use items and their abilities do not activate.)
Blackout Normal
Adds "Sleep" to target enemy Cepter. (For 2 rounds, target enemy Cepter cannot claim tolls.)
Blast Trap Strange Single-Enchant
Adds "Explosion Trap" to target creature. (Next time a Cepter stops here, they lose 40% of their Current Magic, and HP-20 to the creature on this territory.)
Bounty Hunt Strange Single-Enchant
Adds "Bounty" to target creature. (Can't be moved or exchanged by Territory Command. If killed with a weapon, the Cepter that killed it gets 300G.)
Charging Step Normal Single-Enchant
Adds "Magic Steps" to target Cepter. (Makes dice roll 2-4 for two rounds and user gains 50G every time they roll the dice.)
Disease Normal Single-Enchant
Adds "Ability -20" to target creature. (In battle, this creature is inflicted with ST & HP-20.) / User will draw 1 card.
Diselement Strange Single-Enchant
Adds "Nullify Land Effect" to target creature (No land effect). / Synthesis: Creatures (Changes target to "all Fatigued creatures.") / User draws a card.
Dominant Growth Single-Enchant
Adds "Growth Command" to target creature. (MHP+20 when Terrain Change or Land Level Up are used on this creature's territory (max. 100).)
Dream Terrain Strange Single-Enchant
Adds "Shared Toll Fees" to user. (For 5 rounds, user gains 50% of tolls collected by other Cepters.)
Energy Field Strange Single-Enchant
Adds "Magic Barrier" Single-Enchant to target creature. (Gain the following abilities: "Neutralizes: Normal Attacks" and "Battle End: Opponent steals 100G.")
Greed Normal Single-Enchant
Adds "1.5x Toll" Single-Enchant to target creature. (This creature's toll fees are multiplied by 1.5.) / User draws 1 card.
Haste Strange Single-Enchant
Adds "Dice 6-8" Single-Enchant to target Cepter. (Target Cepter's next two dice rolls yield from 6 to 8.)
Holy Word 1 Normal Single-Enchant
Adds "Dice 1" Single-Enchant to target Cepter. (Target Cepter's next dice roll yields a 1.)
Holy Word 3 Normal Single-Enchant
Adds "Dice 3" Single-Enchant to target Cepter. (Target Cepter's next dice roll yields a 3.)
Holy Word 6 Normal Single-Enchant
Adds "Dice 6" Single-Enchant to target Cepter. (Target Cepter's next dice roll yields a 6.)
Holy Word 8 Strange Single-Enchant
Adds "Dice 8" Single-Enchant to target Cepter. (Target Cepter's next dice roll yields a 8.)
Hyperactive Strange Single-Enchant
Adds "Vigorous" Single-Enchant to target creature. (For 5 rounds, target creature gains the Vigorous ability.)
Life Force Single-Enchant
Adds "Life Force" Single-Enchant to target Cepter. (Creature and Item Cards' cost becomes 0G. When this Cepter uses a spell, that spell is neutralized and this Single-Enchant vanishes.)
Liquid Form
Adds "Random Ability Value" to target creature. (In battle, target creature's ST & HP= Random value between 10-70.) / User draws a card.
Magic Shelter Single-Enchant
Adds "Anti-Spell Wall" Single-Enchant to target creature. (Target creature cannot be targeted by spells and will be treated as if it has the Defensive ability.)
Metal Form Rare Single-Enchant
Adds "Metallization" Single-Enchant to target creature. (Has "Neutralizes: Normal Attacks", but cannot use armor.)
Peace Rare Single-Enchant
Adds "Peace" Single-Enchant to target creature. (Cannot be invaded, and toll becomes 0G.)
Quicksand Rare Single-Enchant
Adds "Force Stop" Single-Enchant to target creature. (The next enemy Cepter who tries to pass this creature within 2 rounds must stop here.)
Release Normal Single-Enchant
Adds "Unlock Limits" Single-Enchant to user. (For 4 rounds, ignore item restrictions and land restrictions.)
Senility Rare Single-Enchant
Adds "Last Breath" Single-Enchant to target creature. (This creature is destroyed at the end of battle.)
Sigil of Drain Single-Enchant
Adds "Drain Spell" Single-Enchant to target creature with no Secret Art. (Grants "Secret Art (20G): User steals 10% of target enemy Cepter's Current Magic.")
Sigil of Float Single-Enchant
Adds "Move Spell" Single-Enchant to target creature with no Secret Art. (Grants "Secret Art (50G): Adds "Dice 5" Single-Enchant to target Cepter.")
Sigil of Shrink Strange Single-Enchant
Adds "Shrink Spell" Single-Enchant to target creature with no Secret Art. (Grants "Secret Art (50G): MHP-10 to target creature.")
Spirit Walk Normal Single-Enchant
Adds "Distant Movement" Single-Enchant to target creature. (Creature can move to any vacant land.)
Uniformity Strange Single-Enchant
Gives "200 Toll" Single-Enchant to target Cepter. (For 3 rounds, the toll fee for all of a Cepter's territories become 200G.)
Vitality Normal Single-Enchant
Adds "Ability +20" Single-Enchant to target creature. (In battle, this creature is granted ST & HP+20.) / User draws a card.
Vortex Strange Single-Enchant
Adds "No Battle Abilities" Single-Enchant to target creature. (In battle, effects and abilities besides this one do not activate.) / User draws a card.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 07 July 2021 10:42

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